Streamland Suffolks Open Day, Sunday March 10, 2013
Set aside Sunday, March 10th, to come to our Open Day. Come and see what we've been doing for the last 12 months, and share all the great resources and experts we've been in touch with. They include:
Rachel Griffiths - Waicare (Auckland City Council) - Come and join Rachel as she looks at our water quality. Learn how easy it is to measure and monitor the health of our streams and rivers. See and identify the creatures that live in our waterways and indicate the health of the stream. This is a great hands-on experience for the kids!
Chris Ferkins - Auckland City Council Biodiversity specialist - Chris is passionate about the bush and forests, and the trees and plants within them. Wondered what that plant was, or that tree is? Chris will enchant you into his forest tale as he describes how the forest is "built" and what makes it thrive.
Doug Hicks - Soils Consultant - It isn't just dirt! See the difference in the soil types and hear why one slips, the other slumps, and some just stay put!
Leane Makey - Integrated Kaipara Harbour Management Group - did you know the Kaipara Harbour is the southern hemisphere's largest enclosed harbour and is a really important source of fish stocks, especially the snapper? Come and find out what you can do.
Gordon Levet - Kikitangeo Stud, Wellsford - Gordon is a passionate breeder and a Suffolk judge and will be sharing his knowledge and experience in breeding sheep for good conformation as well as worm resistance and other fitness traits.
Vanessa Vujich - Auckland City Council, Senior Land Management Advisor, Environmental Services, will talk about Farm Plans and planning, and the services her group can provide. This is a side of council you want to see more often!
Dave Galloway - Biosecurity, Auckland City Council - Dave knows all about possums and rats and privet and all the other non-native pests that threaten our native species, our bush and our catchment.
Auckland Zoo "Urban Ark" programme - find out how you can help protect the native flora and fauna in your back yard. The kids will love it!
You'll get a chance to walk around the farm, visiting our experts "on site" to see how they've been helping us and be able to ask them how they can help you and help our catchment.
Learn about growing native trees from seedlings and see how our nursery has developed over the year. It's not as hard as you think and great fun for kids too. We've sponsored a plant growing unit at Ahuroa School as part of the Trees for Survival program; come and learn more about how you can benefit and even get some trees planted on your block.
We'll also have Streamland rams and ewes on display and be available to talk to you about Suffolk sheep and whether or not they're suitable on your block or farm.
There will be a sausage sizzle with funds raised going to The Sanctuary, a non-profit local organisation that helps rehabilitate native birds.
The day will be ongoing, starting at 10am and finishing about 2pm.
For directions and a map, click here. Questions? Send us an email from our contact form.